When Food Is Fast

In the rich countries of the world the last few decades have seen the spread of eating habits styled after the fast food model: food quickly prepared and quickly eaten, carbonated drinks, high fat content.
Some have said that this model is very “democratic” because, everyone can finally afford to eat meat because it is cheap.
Now, we are seeing the consequences: millions of obese 10 year-olds (probably obese for life), widespread health problems at all levels of the population, traditional eating habits changed forever.
Not only this, we also know that our gustative capabilities have been so weakened as to alter our sense of taste, for life. Give a child, in the first years of his life, foods from any of the fast food chains and his palate will be so limited in terms of his capacity to distinguish different tastes that the effects will last a lifetime.
Those foods are neither good, nor natural; they are a real scourge for humanity.
So now what? Who will convince the devils in the fast food industry to stop and look to promoting new eating habits?
Who will go up against the junk food giants who have based their business on the globalization of this style of eating?
The world’s poor, who have no choice, will be the next victims.
We are trying to support alternative eating habits: the Italian tradition is based on natural food. What’s good comes from nature and good food comes from the Earth that we love as a child loves its mother.